Social media is used all daily but there are times that it is not used ethically. Using social media ethically
would be to communicate with others through online resources or websites to share information, ideas, professional connections,
and to promote business. It is supposed to help people with getting connections and to plan ahead,
to make things easier for the common user. It is important to understand the ethical usage because it is used to
spread awareness about relevant topics and major events going on, instead of using it to spread misinformation
Social media platforms has built in privacy tools in your profile settings, providing users with critical features to manage their personal account data and to protect it. Issues that people have are dating mining is that others can go look for personal information and steal it. Another concern is surveillance, where the government will track your information and learn about your daily life. There is another problem of potential misuse of personal information that hasintentional abuse of social media or unauthorized treatment of personal data, typically by a third party. This concern are all examples of ethical dilemmas related to a users privacy on social media that has happened in the pasat.
Social media has a very big impact on peoles's mental health and most of the time it is a negative inpact, stress and depression.
This could be caused because of cyberbullying, people bullying and making fun of others just because they could/want to. There is also
times where people will compare themselves to social media photos and other people, causing unrealistic standards. At times, people can
get addict to their phones aswell and can't function normal. But there are also positive effects, like a self of belonging into a social
group. As well as enchanced connections, watching/reading things on your device could increase your connectation. A way to prevent the negative
impact to mental health is to monitor your usage on socail media.
When spreading information, you have to worry about it being misinformation. Not everything you read or watch is true or accurate, you have to do
some other research to make sure it is true. Fake news spread fast and is very common, so you never want to trust one source. But then there
are times that the information can be true and it can help the user understand the content and learn more. To make sure it is, you can again check other
place to confrim the information or use a sercure website(like a goverment one).
Social media can help build relationships when it is long distance or just to talk throughout the day. You can get to know someone better through talking to them and being able to do so at a distance let your connects go. You can even talk to your family that is across the world and keep in contact. There is also the ablity to talk to others with the same interest as you, through chats. But even with your talks on social media, you still have to learn to respect one another. You have to make sure to respect them and to use kind words when speaking. As well to be an empathic to the person and try to understand them/being open to what they are saying. Even if you are on the internet and people don't know you, you should still be a good citizen.
Even myslef, I have to still better my use on social media but I do try my best be respectful to other on the internet. When going on websites to play games or
anything else, I make sure that everything is safe and I don't give personal information. I know that I can inprove and to start, I should limit my screen time.
I am on my phone too much and I could limit my time on it to not cause an addict or anything like that. But something I would stuggest to others that I do is to
make sure everything you do is safe. That the websites you used are safe for your device and that your data wouldn't get linked. But also to not give out personal
information to random people or on places that you know that isn't safe/not sure is safe.
Social media can be a useful and expiring place to learn or to stay connected to the world but it can also be missused. As long as you staay safe and make sure
that you are doing the right and respectable thing then you should be fine. But still be mindful of what you do and how you do it. Don't always believe everything
you are told or hear. Try to be aware of your mental health and it doesn't effect your health in a negative impact. Nor getting adicted to your device and grow an
unhealthy obession. Most importantly, don't give personal information out. And if you are every unsure of anything, look up on trusted website, compare to multiple website,
and/or ask a trusted adult.
- How does social media affect relationships? (
- Pros & cons: impacts of social media on mental health | BMC Psychology | Full Text (